Is it weird to start a getting to know yourself blog with an about me section? After all, I've always been amazed by the succinct wrapping up these little tidbits of personal information seem to provide. Who am I? Who are we? Who are you? Especially when I already feel I have to defend my love of John Denver with a five minute regaling of why my father loved John Denver, I don't feel that listing my artistic preferences really seems to sum it all up. I suppose for this one it's all just going to have to come out organically.
I've already gotten so excited by the prospect of trying to answer some of the big questions in life I'm finding myself looking up self-help questionnaires, trying to ponder and think through the answers. The irony is that most of the web-sites and texts then immediately tell me to not think too much about my answers and to just express whatever comes first. Crap. Well, I've already screwed that one up. Somehow, with all the hoping for some form of spiritual awakening I'm thinking there may be a few stumbling blocks along the way.
I'm thinking of going to church this weekend. I don't really associate myself with a particular religion, and have at various times in my life dabbled in various forms and read most of what I think are considered the major religious texts (thank you honors college). But nothing really seemed to stick. I'm much more likely on a Sunday morning to be found doing a variety of other activities. I like sleeping in,but I vacillate to a bi-polar extent between feelings of guilt and joy at my sloth. So sometimes I'll be reading or catching up on my online TV, or surfing or running if the weather permits and I happen to be in the middle of one of my "lets be an outdoorsy kind of person" phases.
And I'm off again, looking into the miraculous self-transformation that's coming and planing and just knowing I'm going to pull off some amazing stuff. Which is pretty impressive, (the knowledge, not the stuff), because I've now written a total of two blogs. Again, crap. I think there might be more involved than I originally contemplated ten hours ago when I decided to embark on this journey. But at least I've made it this far. One entry and one day at a time.
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